DEAR ALL, REMINDER OF SUNDAY MEDITATION – 2:00pm EST. Please join for meditation at 2:00 your time and for an hour of study.
#2 of the chapters every Infinite Way student is to know as well as their name.
God is One
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is One Lord. (Deuteronomy 6:4)
In our agreement and understanding that God is one, God has no opposite, and there is no opposition. With God as one, there is only one activity, one being, one cause, one power, one law.
When the Master was asked which of the commandments was the greatest, he answered, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all they soul and with all thy mind. Therefore, the first and greatest commandment is Thou shalt have no other gods before me. We think of God as power, and so the commandment is Thou shalt acknowledge no other power but God. What then are we fearing – germs, infection, contagion? Since God is the only power, can these things have any power? According to the Master’s teachings, they could have no power except such as was given them by God.
Do we fear lack or limitation? How can lack or limitation affect us? Do we fear war and hydrogen bombs? According to the first commandment, only God is power. What would happen to the power of the hydrogen bomb if we realized God as the only power? Think on this deeply, because there must come a moment of transition when we can intellectually declare, “Why, that is right. If God is the only power, what do we have to fear from all the so-called powers of earth and hell?” Then there must come a moment of transition when we go from that intellectual agreement to spiritual agreement, a feeling of agreement within, “Yes, that is the truth. I feel the truth of that one power.”
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me” – therefore, God is the only law. We are now faced with a startling question: Is there a law of disease? God is the only law. What then is causing disease? What is perpetuating it if there is no law of disease? We are told in Scripture, “According to your faith, so be it unto you”; and therefore, if you have confidence, faith or belief that there is a law of disease, so it must be unto you. You see, the world is trying to remove disease through the study of the laws of disease, and there are no such laws.
According to the Master’s teachings and the teaching of all spiritual wisdom throughout the ages, there is only one power, one law, one being. Think, now, because this is the point to which we are leading: There is nothing in all this world to use God-power for or against. Since there is no power apart from God, there is no sin, no evil; since there is no law apart from God, there is no law of disease, no law of lack or limitation, and we no longer have to turn to God to overcome these things, to help us rise above them, to destroy, correct, or remove them.
That is the function of this teaching, the teaching that we may call a teaching of is – just the two letters i-s, is – and it is just as simple as the revelation which brought The Infinite Way into existence, also a two letter word, a-s, as. God is expressed, manifest as you and as me; God is appearing as your being and as my being; God is appearing as, God manifest as, this universe. There is no selfhood apart from God since God appears as this universe; there is no condition apart from God since God appears as the substance and activity of this universe. God appearing as logically leads up to God is. Is has no point of comparison, since it always, eternally and immortally is what it is, and that is, is Spirit. It is not some degree of human good; nor is it some degree of human evil. It is – spiritually, harmoniously, joyously, eternally, immortally, infinitely is. Is.
Law is. There is not good law or bad law. There is only law – God is. There is not good or evil power. There is only power – God is. There is no power to oppose anything, so there is no use praying to it to overcome our enemies, no use praying to it to overcome sin or sinful desires or appetites, no use praying to it to overcome disease, since there is only one power and the power that is, is God.
We must be arriving now at a state of consciousness called is, and we must rest in that is. We have no evil to oppose or from which to be protected, and we do not have to pray in order to get God to do something for us, since God, Good, already is. If, deep within us, we can feel a responsive agreement, that is our prayer, our treatment, and our communion with God. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord” – one in essence, one in cause, one in effect, one infinite Good.
You are led into a continuing state of consciousness, in which you do not, even by suggestion, think of turning to God to do something for you, since that of which you are thinking already is. Never do you pray for something or someone. Your whole prayer becomes an inner agreement that it already is and always has been.
“Before Abraham was, I am….. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world….. I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Is, am, is – I am with you; it is so. No longer do you reach mentally for some statement of truth: There is now only one statement of truth and it comes in one word, is. It already is.
End Part 1
Blessings Mary
Mary Noack Orlando, Fl 32809 352-942-9412 “Thy Grace Is My Sufficiency”