These pointings are from my writes during reflection or contemplation. I encourage you to not try to read them with the mind, for it likes to judge but read the words from the heart. Sit with each one in quiet meditation.

Joyful blessings are with you.

12. Be ye faithful this day – let no appearance take you from your Father's house.

What does it mean to be faithful? Faith is not a blind belief in an unseen, hoping it will take care of you and things. Faith is living as you are, in just being the spiritual presence that is you. Faith is the having discovered truth and resting there no matter the appearances that storm around you. Be faithful, be true to your self, the holy one, for beside you there is no other.

11. The image is called by many names, but the Presence is always I.

In the confused state of the conditioned mind we believe that the form, the image, is the name we have given it or that the name and the form are the same thing. Such as the name that is given to the form called body and we believe that body/name to be a person, when it is only the label for a form. Your only name forever and eternally is I.

10. There is Something in our midst right now and we call it God.

We are conditioned to believe there is a person here and that person is seeking God. Not so. There is something here we call God and that Something is our Self. It isn't seeking anything because there is nothing for It to seek.

9. Something we call God is living Itself. You are that Something.

It is dreaming to believe there is a separate you to be living a separate personal life. Awake up, there is but that Something infinite, formless, eternal and It is living the only life that is Its life.

8 - I is the Self. I am this or that is ego.

There are no adjectives or descriptions possible in regard to the Self. Any attempt to do so are but concepts. It is only the egoic mind identity that has interest in being described.

7. No activity ever of the body or the mind has influenced nor disturbed your Self.

There is but the one Self, yet the conditioned mind believes each body is a separate self. It is the  split-mind through judgment of activities that feels disturbance. The one Self remains always as the presence of the peace that it is untouched by the antics of the ego mind.

6. Just as there is no past, there is no future. Do not be attached to either.

It is the sense of me as a separate person that holds the idea that it has lived a past and it will live a future… that is the dream. Consciousness is all there is and it is always consciousness in expression and consciousness sees no past nor a future. You are not the me, you are the Consciousness.

Pointing - 5. Enlightenment and attachment cannot occur in the same place.

Enlightenment is the seeing of attachments of the phenomenal world as the concepts they are. Some attachments are so subtle you do not even realize them. Such as attached to the evoking of a feeling when presented with certain objects or the feelings of accomplishment or failure when claiming to be the doer. All thoughts, feelings, and objects appear in consciousness. We are to witness them not to claim them.

4. Let your thoughts be as leaves falling from the trees – without concern nor involvement with the activity

It is the split-mind that engages in the activity of thoughts when indeed, it is only an activity of conceptualization. Thoughts arise within consciousness, it is due to ignorance that we claim those thoughts to be our thoughts and engage in what is termed thinking.

3. There is no ego to either become aware of Self, or to be ignorant of the Self

You are the Self now and a separate self/ego is only a concept. As is the idea of seeking your Self.

2. The peace of the Heart is the peace of the mind. The peace of the mind is the peace of the body. He is wise who knows his Heart.

Heart is a synonym for Self, the life eternal that is all. When our Self is discovered to be our only identity the mind rests in that reality, and where the mind leads the body follows. Truly then Life/Self is finally seen as the peace that passes all understanding.

1. There is no sense of separation until the mind moves

The sense of separation from the Self, God Reality, Pure Consciousness, or the Absolute (these labels are synonymous) is nothing more than a concept that the mind engages in with the thought of a personal identity. Nothing can take place as an experiential appearance until the mind is allowed to move in such a way as to judge, analyze, or compare.